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New release of JSKOS specification


JSKOS is a JSON data format for knowledge organization systems (KOS) and semantic artifacts, such as classifications, thesauri, authority files, and knowledge graphs. The format has been created in 2014 in preparation of project coli-conc and its application and scope has been broadened ever since.

JSKOS is and will be part of the mapping tool Cocoda, the (meta)registry BARTOC, the terminology service DANTE and the NFDI Terminology services TS4NFDI. The current release 0.6.0 of JSKOS specfication includes some major extensions and improvements:

In contrast to previous releases, there is also a breaking change in (rarely used) fields replacedBy und relatedDate.

The most comprehensive new features of JSKOS 0.6.0 are qualified statements for links and properties of arbitrary type and ranks to weight statements. Both are also known in the data model of Wikibase, the database management system behind Wikidata. The extension derived from use cases in terminology service DANTE, so we came to a similar solution like Vrandečić et al. with Wikibase. In contrast to the latter, JSKOS data is also JSON-LD so it can directly be converted to RDF.

Qualified statements will help to improve usability of JSKOS with knowledge graphs, property graphs, and semantic artifacts. The feature should be used with care, as additional flexibility comes at cost of interoperability: JSKOS allows to extend the common data model (also known as "ontology") of knowledge organization systems, so people may extend it in different ways. JSKOS Mappings may help if people use different property types for similar purpose.

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